RPS Coding Club
* To Promote coding integrated learning in School to make teaching-learning competency based and joyful.
* To use coding as a tool to trigger knowledge of other subjects.
* To introduce the rich and varied coding platforms of the world to RPSIANS.

Subject Integrated Coding Program
A Great Foresight by
Honourable Principal Ma’am
Mrs. Roopa Gosain
Everbody should learn how to program computer, because it teaches you how to think.
We are here to help parents raise happy and healthy children with the knowledge of Digital World
Coures Offered

Scratch Block Coding
Kids will learn everything they need to
know to code their very own game: character development, storyboarding, animation, environment and level design, beta testing and, of course, coding.

Mobile App Development
Learn to use the open development tool, App Inventor, to program on Android devices. You will learn how to design and build mobile apps — apps that are aware of their location, send and receive text messages, and give advice and directions.

Web Development
Web development classes for kids help them to design and develop websites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming. Web design for kids emphasis on design thinking.

The World Needs Finishers
Coding teaches kids to work hard to achieve a goal. Learning to code presents challenges and struggles, but it does so in a progressive fashion.They acquire the skills to produce great things, they are empowered to set goals and envision things they want to create.
Child develops into someone who can set a big goal and break problem into smaller pieces, attacking the pieces in a logical order and putting them together, eventually achieving his or her goal.